Wednesday, March 10, 2010
the dentist
hello ♡
tomorrow i have a dentist apointment for a brocken filling at 8:30 in the morning. i hate going to the dentist's office. reason? i don't enjoy a stranger's hands in my mouth, and its always matter what
they always have a warm welcoming smile on their face and promise its not going to be much, just a check up or somthing. then the next thing you know they find a cavity or a problem, and you end up walking out drooling and half asleep. Or even worse...they could give me something i'm alergic too that i don't know i'm alergic to yet and have severe alergic reactions on the operation chair O____O... or maybe they could slip on a puddle and jab the pointy thing into the roof of your mouth and into my brain....killing me almost instantly[gasp!].
NOOOOOO i can't go!! T_____T
[maybe...just maybe i'm thinking about this too much]
Chocolate-d @ 8:01 PM |
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