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Monday, June 14, 2010

things that made me laugh today:
-"someone thought i liked kevin today? [random much?]"..HAHA!!! that was from a past post
-this song [toybox-best friend]
-my story blog..i must have improoved a lot since i wrote that...cuz now i think it suck HAHA!!

Chocolate-d @ 4:25 PM | 0 Eaters

: )

MY GOODNESS!! i havn't posted a blog in such a long time. Many things happened in the past few weeks.
+me & him : )
+summer started!!
Life is being great : ) even though i'm busy, i like it...somtimes O___O" everything just piles on.
+hagwon:mon-thurs 9:00-12:00
+late night phone conversations : )
+summer homework
+hanging out with friends
+update my blogs
+summer retreat!!
+writeing my story
+our lovely notebook
...i just have so much to do this summer ^^", i just hope i'm able to do everything i was hopeing to do.

Chocolate-d @ 1:57 PM | 0 Eaters

Sunday, May 23, 2010

these few days have been a hetic mess. I NEED TO GET MY GRADES UP!! T^T my parents are gunna kill me when the report cards are sent out. i have TWO Cs!!! arrraaaggff i just want summer to come faster

Chocolate-d @ 1:52 PM | 0 Eaters

Monday, May 17, 2010

hello ♡
Sorry Carolyn. i haven't been keeping up with my blog ^^

finals are inching closer. and they are already hitting me in the face. i need to do good on these finals!!! the pressure is bleehhhh. [social studies, english, and science is gunna be tricky!]

hagwon is stressfull. they don't give me much work. but it takes a huge chunk of time. driving there...staying there...driving back...doing hagwon homework...doing school homework...shower...read english book for school...read book for hagwon...then.....if i have any time at all...computer...then sleep!!!! such a small thing such as hagwon totally makes my scedual lengthen significantly!!

I HAVE 2 C'S!!! i NEED to get those up...hopefully finals will be enough...if i get an A+ on them all...i don't have any As...at all. my parents are gunna kill me T^T i'm just overwhelmed with school itself.

its so hard to focase when summer is right at my fingertips. its SUPER hard studying when i'm imagining the swimmingpool, the sleepovers, and rollercoasters...ARG!

but once school is over i'm gunna catch up on my story blog, my main blog, and work on building friendships and work on projects >w< [btw. my blog looks ugly for now...but during summer i'll make it prettyfull]

Chocolate-d @ 7:57 PM | 1 Eaters

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

hello ♡
POREOTICS FTW. i can't wait to see next week. i'm almost certain hype 5.0 is goin home. the judges love blueprint too much and poreotics has the largest fan base out of all of them....and is also the best.
mwahaha [abdc addiction ftw]

CAROLYN!!! sorry i haven't been bloging..i've been busy...and stuff..O_O[nah i've just been catching up on stuff.........like sleep]

cali was amazazing! the weather was so nice. and the huntington library was spectacular. all those nerds out there shud visit huntington....>w<[pictures up on my picture blog] las vegas was amazing too! watched the le reve show at the wynn hotel!

Chocolate-d @ 2:10 PM | 0 Eaters

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

hello ♡
horraayyy!!...but at the same time was kinda excited to go to school today[call me nerd all you want].
reasons why?
-last night i did EVERYTHING i need to finish by friday and it took FOREVER
-Carolyn was supposed to give me the notebook T^T and i was supposed to write in it during my trip[TT___________TT]
-i could have rubbed it in peoples faces that i wasn't going to be in school the rest of the week
-i miss the warm weather...so i was hoping today would be nice
-i had my off today and it makes me wish yesterday was a snowday instead of today.[my off can be boring but sometimes its really fun :) ]

well at least i have the WHOLE day to upload songs for my mp3 and pack for tomorrow[cali here i come!!]

Chocolate-d @ 9:05 AM | 0 Eaters

Monday, March 22, 2010
random stuff...o_____o

hello ♡

random things that went on today.
-i was super sleepy this morning
-i had a good hair day
-i have no homework
-my off period was diffrent today
-someone thought i liked kevin?[random much?]
-cali in two days [whoot]
-i realized i've never been on the east coast O_O
-i'm so happy saltare went home on abdc
-i steped on a push pin today
-waka waka
-les mesriables or watever seems like a boring/lengthy book
-i like icecream
-teh end :)

Chocolate-d @ 3:27 PM | 0 Eaters